Letter to EA: Lifting restrictions to recreational powered craft boating on the Thames
Further to our earlier email we now write with our thoughts regarding how best to commence lifting restrictions to recreational powered craft boating on the Thames.
Thames Recreational Powered Boating Organisations Agree To Joint Action
Five organisations representing recreational powered craft users on the non-tidal Thames have agreed to join forces to encourage greater engagement and co-operation with the Environment Agency who are responsible for managing the waterway. The Association of Thames Yacht Clubs (ATYC), DBA -The Barge Association (DBA), the National Association of Boat Owners (NABO), the Residential Boat Owners’ […]
Environment Agency COVID-19 update no. 2
These are fast changing times and following our last communication we wanted to expand on some of the measures we are taking on Environment Agency navigations. We are continuing to follow Government advice during this Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and our main priority remains protecting the health of our staff, customers and the general public. Since […]
Thames Navigation Users Forum
On 3rd March, I represented NABO at the above Forum which brings together relevant EA personnel and representatives of a wide cross-section of users of the Thames, including the eight River User Groups (the RUGs) and many other representative groups. Chaired by the Thames Director, Julia Simpson, the very long meeting was valuable and, above […]
Report on meeting of Thames Navigation Users Forum (TNUF) March 2020
On Tuesday 3rd March 2020 I represented NABO at the above Forum which brings together representatives of a wide cross section of users of the Thames, including the 8 River User Groups (the RUGs) and many other representative groups, with relevant EA personnel. Chaired by the Thames Director, Julia Simpson, the very long meeting was […]
Meeting of Thames Navigation Users Forum (TNUF)
On Tuesday 29th October 2019 I represented NABO at the well-attended meeting of the above Forum which brings together representatives of a wide cross section of users of the Thames, largely through the 8 River User Groups (the RUGs) and representative user groups, together with relevant EA personnel. Chaired by EA’s Thames Waterways Director, Julia […]
EA’s Strategic Review of Navigation Charges Customer Workshop
On Monday 21st October Mike Rodd represented NABO at the first of a series of workshops run by the EA to get input from users before finalising charging proposals for consultation in spring 2020. The aim of the exercise is to simplify the charging, introduce consistency (where possible) across EA’s waterways and (of special interest […]
River Thames Alliance 2019 AGM
This was held yesterday, 10th October 2019, at the Henley River and Rowing Museum. The first issue was the approval of the proposed RTA Annual Report for the previous year. It was felt, however, that this concentrated too much on the problems RTA had been experiencing and failed to highlight some of the positive work […]
Brief Notes on EA’s National Navigation Users Forum: 12th June 2019
Held in London, this meeting was well-attended and proved to be most intriguing. Chaired by Robert Gould, a member of the EA Board, the main purpose was to provide an update on the significant changes taking place within EA in terms of support for their navigational responsibilities. The underlying driving factor was the Government’s decision […]
National Inland Navigation Forum Meeting, February 2019
NINF met at the St Pancras Cruising Club on Saturday 9th February 2019 with all but 1 member bodies represented, together with the General Secretary, Michael Stimpson. This Forum continues to be a useful meeting point bringing together navigational bodies involved in CRT, EA and other waterways.