Reservoir levels

Reservoir levels As summer approaches, the number of boat movements increases, as does the drawdown on reservoirs. The mix of dry sunny spells and wet periods during March meant that overall rainfall was near average for the month. However, there were regional variations, and the north-west had over 140% of long-term average (LTA) rainfall, but […]

South Wales and Severn Spring Forum: 25th April 2017

Held in the village hall at Govilon, just below the Mon & Brec canal, this well-attended and (mainly) jovial meeting proved once again to be of value to the many people associated with this lovely canal. The meeting was led by very interesting reports on the extensive winter work programme that had been completed, on […]

NE Waterway User Forum, Castleford, September 2016

NE Waterway User Forum, Castleford, 20th September 2016 I attended this meeting last night on behalf of NABO. I didn’t think it was quite as well attended as in previous years – around 45-50 in total including the numerous CRT staff. I suspect this may be down to the changed start time of 1700 instead […]

Report on CRT National Users Forum September 7th 2016

As usual this was held at The Bond in Birmingham, and followed the usual structure of a series of presentations by various CRT officers. Whist this information is of interest, and the people-networking is valuable, one can’t help feeling that the approach does not make full use of the large numbers of representatives of the […]