Where does the subscription money go?

If you pay a subscription, you want to know where your hard earned money goes. Roughly half goes into the production and printing of NABO News, the cost of which is also partially offset by a small amount of advertising (currently from Midland Chandlers). NABO News is our largest cost but it is also our […]

Online subscription payment page

If you are wanting to join and have not made an application, please go here first: https://nabo.org.uk/subscription-plan/ If you have done this, then thank you for registering your application with us. You data is saved and safe and we have been informed of your application. All that remains is to pay your subscription. This pages […]


NABO News is the association’s 32-page full-colour magazine that provides up to date information on the waterways, as well as a forum for NABO members to give voice to issues that concern them. There are six issues per year and each contains regular features on Boating, News, Talking points, Rewind (summaries of past NABO News), […]

K and A Mooring Strategy Steering Group

BW (now CRT) commenced Mooring Strategy Steering Group in 2010 in an attempt find consensus amongst users, business and local authorities over mooring congestion on the west end of the Kennet and Avon Canal. NABO regional secretary Andrew Colyer and and Legal officer Geoffrey Rogerson contributed to the meetings in 2010 and 2011, and made […]

Boat Safety Scheme

NABO has long serving members who contribute to the management of the Boat Safety Scheme. They are not examiners, just boaters with a technical background and an eagerness in representing the user’s interest. NABO has representation at technical, advisory and management levels within the scheme and over the years has been a leading influence in […]

Payment Complete

Thank you for your payment.   Your transaction has been successfully completed. A receipt for your subscription has been emailed to you. If you are a new member, and have not completed an on line membership application form, please get in touch so that we have your details!   If you have a Paypal account, […]

NABO Cookie Policy

Our information about Cookies This document sets out the details of how the National Association of Boat Owners (NABO) website handles the data which identifies users of our website. It is important that you read this section of our cookie policy together with our General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. This is so that […]

NABO Terms & Conditions

nabo.org.uk Terms and Conditions for use of web site and internet media, and of NABO Membership Website Agreement to Communicate Electronically In using this website or sending us email, you are communicating with NABO electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically subject to the Privacy Policy. We will communicate with you by email […]