BSS consultation on two new examination requirements
A public consultation by the Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) on proposals within a clarified and improved set of BSS Examination Checking Procedures (ECP) opened today Monday 7 March and will run to Tuesday 31 May 2022 and is available on its website The revisions to the BSS ECP are the product of many months […]
CRT privacy issues
CRT privacy issues In December 2020, while the terms and conditions consultation was in progress, we reviewed the privacy documents and made a submission on our concerns. They were numerous, but three stood out: the first was readability; the second was that the documents were obviously written at different times, so they did not link […]
Wales & South West
Wales & South West A very busy few months for CRT on both the K&A and the Mon & Brec, with some planned winter work having to be re-scheduled when a massive breach in the K&A occurred at the eastern end. This required an extensive operation to re-establish the bank, and also to create an […]
2022 will be a significant year
Editorial Peter Fellows outlines some important issues that are expected to feature this year. As Mike Rodd points out in his Chairman’s column, 2022 is an important year for the future of the waterways, with the Defra review of CRT funding underway as well as the (ongoing and seemingly continuous) reorganisation within the EA navigation […]
A critical year for the future of CRT
In the Chair Mike Rodd takes part in the Defra consultation on Government funding. So far, a very mild winter has meant that we can all go out and do some lovely, quiet winter cruising. For my wife and me this always means – after her hectic Christmastime as our vicar – diving out straight […]
Fish Mortality on the approaches to Leeds.
Howard Anguish reports on the situation. There is growing concern being felt about incidents of fish mortality at Ferrybridge which seem to be caused by the passage of large barges as a direct result of the new gravel trade recently introduced into Leeds. This has led to the pausing of traffic while investigations are carried […]
CRT consultation on London.
CRT have launched the latest round of consultation on proposals to respond to the issues of overcrowding, misbehaviour and lack of services in the London area. We encourage all members, even if they’re not thinking of going to London, to complete the survey. We are sure these charges will be a model for use elsewhere […]
West Midlands
This summer, our 250-mile cruise between June and October has been entirely within the CRT West Midlands Region. When we arrived in Birmingham, we moored on a finger mooring in Cambrian Basin. We are Waterside Mooring customers who notified CRT of our intention to be away from the mooring for more than 30 days and […]
Calor gas suppliers
You are all aware of the shortage of refills for Calor gas bottles, particularly in the last year. Calor has put the shortage down to record demand for cylinders due to lockdowns, warm weather, the boom in staycations, and the associated shortage of cylinders. Yet we also see that waterside Calor dealers have a stock […]
Better by Water?
This has been a bumper couple of months for CRT’s finances. By quietly auctioning off four more listed properties, including two in London, they have another £4m in the coffers to spend, who knows on what? I do hope it’s for more of those tacky blue and white signs. I wonder how the sale of […]