HS2 prefered routes to Leeds and Manchester published
The Department for Tranport have released the HS2 phase two initial preffered route plans. There are maps providing a detailed depiction of the two routes to West Midlands to Leeds and Manchester.
CRT SE region launch mooring consultation
CRT SE region have launched a mooring consultation seeking comments by 1st March 2013.
Editorial, NABO News, Issue 6, November 2012
NABO News, Issue 6, November 2012 Editorial By the time you read this it will be approaching six months since the CRT took over the waterways and now is a good time to look at how things have started off. There has, of course, been an enormous number of appointments to the various […]
Chairman’s column, NABO News, Issue 6, November 2012
We have all heard of the serious breach and stoppages at the northern end of the T&M in the last few weeks. CRT could have done without it at any time, but not in the first months of the new organisation. The local team are obviously pulling out all the stops to get it […]
NABO web site downtime Wednesday 17 October
NABO web site and mail systems will be unavailable for the day on Wednesday 17 October 2012. This is for essential maintenance.
NABO responds to CRT consultation on House Boat Certificates.
NABO have responded to the CRT consultation on Houseboat Certificates. This closed at the end of September and we now await the outcome.
Launch day for the CRT
CRT has today, 12 July 2012, held launch events in all the regions to mark the beginnings of a new era for the canals and rivers previously owned by British Waterways.
CRT Trustees issue a progress update
CRT Trustees have today issued a further update on activities in setting up the new organisation.
More lock restrictions-Leeds & Liverpool Canal
BW have announced more water conservation restrictions for summer 2012, this time on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal. Boaters can get up to date details of all restrictions and stoppages by subcribing to British Waterways Stoppage Alerts or looking up the latest news on Waterscape.com On March 21st, BW announced the following restrictions (for period […]
BW Audlem Visitor Moorings Consultation
British Waterways have opened a consultation about traders overstaying at Audlem. NABO has been invited to respond, so we invite members to add any comments below before January 21st 2012 so that NABO Council can put a response together.