NABO Comments on the CRT’s Towpath Mooring Project

A Recent Press release from NABO stated :-  NABO welcomes the recent changes to CRT’s communication strategy as recently announced by CEO Richard Parry and the recent project update issued by Sally Ash Head of Boating.   It is to be welcomed that after the recent flawed SE Visitor Mooring Consultation and subsequent workshops that CRT […]

NABO News Editorial December 2013

A breath of fresh air Those members who were unable to attend the AGM in November missed a real treat. Not only an interesting and enjoyable presenta­tion from Adam Comerford, CRT’s Group Hydrology Manager, but also an opportunity to feed our opinions into proposals for new water man­agement strategy. Richard Parry, CRT’s new Chief Executive, […]

NABO News Editorial October 13

Sleepwalking into Trouble?   There was a (very short) CRT consultation in July on changing the licensing system for charity and community boats, which would result in them being charged for a standard leisure boat licence rather than a commercial licence, less a 60% discount. Fair enough, you might say: simplify the licensing system as […]

Editorial, NABO News, Issue 3 – May 2013

Editorial   I start with an apology to Tony Baldry MP, for calling him ‘Toby’ in the last issue and thanks to Peter Braybrook, the eagle-eyed constituent who let me know, commenting: “In response to your invitation to submit ‘names that make me smile’, Sir Toby brought a smile to my lips but I am […]