Editorial, NABO News, Issue 3 – May 2013

Editorial   I start with an apology to Tony Baldry MP, for calling him ‘Toby’ in the last issue and thanks to Peter Braybrook, the eagle-eyed constituent who let me know, commenting: “In response to your invitation to submit ‘names that make me smile’, Sir Toby brought a smile to my lips but I am […]

Chairman’s Column NN May 13

Irksome—I like it! Chairman David Fletcher relflects on the latest waterways happenings We had a very full Council meeting last week, with more present that we have had for many a year. Rest assured the proceedings are very frugal, as any­body who has been to the Waggon and Horses will know. Please don’t be shy, […]

NABO comments on the Partnership mooring plan for West K and A

NABO has comments on the  Partnership towpath mooring plan for the Kennet and Avon Canal west of Devizes. The Kennet & Avon Waterway Partnership, based on recommendations from its Local Mooring sub-group, has submitted proposals to the boating team of the Canal & River Trust for further consideration by the CRT Navigation Advisory Group. These […]

Loss of access to visitor moorings at Upton upon Severn, River Severn

NABO members have brought to our attention yet another loss of visitors mooring. It is understood that CRT have given permission for a trip boat to use the visitor moorings at Upton on Severn to pick up and drop off passengers. NABO is alarmed that one of the most popular visitor moorings on the Severn, […]