Editorial December 2016

Editorial Another successful AGM at Wolverhampton Boat Club (many thanks for the excellent food and hospitality), with Stella taking over the reins from Mike and farewells to longstanding Council members Geoffrey Rogerson and Stephen Peters and London rep, Simon Robbins. It was good to meet Ken Hylins, who has a special interest in assisting boaters […]

Am I missing something?

Am I missing something? As a fairly recent member of NABO, I fail to understand the objection to CRT stating that all boaters should obey the same rules when cruising whether they have a home mooring or not. Am I missing something here? Rodney Hardwick Mark Tizard, NABO Vice Chair, replied: The reason why NABO objects […]

Middle Level Navigation Reform

The Middle level Commssioner have issued this statement Following our consultation on proposals to amend the Commissioners’ Navigation legislation in the first half of this year, consideration of the responses and subsequent discussions with Parliamentary Counsel, the Commissioners have now presented a private Bill to Parliament seeking the necessary legislative amendments.

Editorial NABO News 5 November 2016

Winter’s on its way Editor Peter Fellows hangs up his tiller pin for the year. After the boat spent the summer on the River Great Ouse, my last cruise this year was back up the River Nene to Northampton, which coincided with the Indian summer at the beginning of October – wonderful to be in […]

Airbnb boats

Extract from an Airbnb Listing – Some London boat owners are renting out their boats “From £120 per night. Stay on this beautiful romantic narrowboat in the heart of London and see London from a different perspective. The 57-foot canal boat was built over 100 years ago and is full of character and history. She […]

Chairman’s column, NABO News #4

Focus on the Thames and K&A Chairman Mike Rodd has some good, and less good, news of these adjoining waterways. I hope that you have all enjoyed some wonderful summer cruising days and probably now starting your pre-wintering work, getting your boat ready for the colder days ahead. We spent last week replacing the coach-lines […]