NABO submission in response to the Draft London Environment Strategy
The National Association of Boat Owners (NABO) is a voluntary membership organisation, principally consisting of private boat owners based on the inland waterways of England and Wales. NABO exists to represent the interests of its members with navigation authorities and government organisations and to promote responsible ownership and use of inland boats. We are writing […]
CRT Licensing Consultation
Mark Tizard has read the 44-page report …. so that you don’t have to! CRT is investing a considerable amount of time and expense in reviewing boat licensing. At the outset, it said it wanted the review to cover all aspects of licensing and that the outcome was intended to be revenue neutral and to […]
In the Chair Oct 17
Getting to know you Stella Ridgway is concerned about the disconnect between boaters and local communities. In the July issue, I expressed a desire that the sun we had in June would be extended, but we have had one of the worst Augusts on record for cloud, rain and cold weather. We have had our […]
NABO News Editorial Oct 17
Consultations, towpath cycling and veg management Editor Peter Fellows has much for members to comment on:
In the Chair July 2017
In the Chair Stella Ridgway is enjoying the summer I hope you have all been enjoying the lovely weather; we got some painting done, although the disadvantage was that the paint was drying as we put it on. I do hope that wasn’t all of our summer ‒ we so deserve a decent summer […]
Editorial July 2017
Coping with canoes Editor, Peter Fellows welcomes clarification by CRT Canoeists feature more prominently in this issue than previously, with news of new canoe slipways on the Llangollen, the opening of Foulridge Tunnel on the L&L to canoeists, and problems with some canoeists wanting to share locks with boats. While NABO welcomes the increased […]
Thinking of renting a boat?
Across social media and the waterways press there are regular articles and requests from those looking to ‘rent’ a boat to live on or use as overnight accommodation. In urban areas living on a boat is often not a lifestyle choice about going boating, but a desire for cheap accommodation in a defined area. There […]
Can you help NABO?
Can you help NABO? Here at NABO News, I would welcome some more help from members: do you have skills as a cartoonist or a crossword compiler? Would you be able to spend a couple of hours, six times a year, to summarise what was happening ten years ago from old copies of NABO News, […]
In the Chair, June 2017
In the Chair Don’t rush – explore the places where you moor NABO Chair, Stella Ridgway says make the most of your overnight stays This is a shortened column this month and I have not been able to attend many meetings, so others have stepped into my place. We are still well-represented within CRT and […]
Editorial June 2017
Editorial When is shared ownership not shared ownership? Editor Peter Fellows considers licences for rented, shared and time-share boats