Not a good summer for boating

Not a good summer for boating Despite the excellent boating weather, for much of the summer, CRT had emergency navigation closures in force. This was the situation in July, when there were seventeen: Locks 1 – 12, Macclesfield Canal  Lock 7, Actons Lock, Regents Canal  Lock 2, Belan Lock, Montgomery Canal  Teeces Bridge, Wyrley & […]

In the Chair September 2018

Getting to know you Stella Ridgway looks back over five years of engagement with CRT. As the CRT Annual General Meeting is coming up, I thought I would reflect on the last year and, indeed, the five years since I started attending these AGMs. The Trust started out with Richard Parry going to boaters’ forums, […]

NABO News Editorial September 2018

Consultations, breaches and closures but Editor, Peter Fellows, also notes some wonderful weather and meaningful meetings There’s been a lot happening on the waterways since the last NABO News in July. The summer’s weather has allowed marvellous cruising, but the high temperatures and prolonged drought have also caused problems for CRT’s water management. An article […]

If only the trust would listen

If only the trust would listen Stella Ridgeway responds to the letter to boaters from Richard Parry Why is it boaters feel so disenfranchised by CRT? Why is it that CRT staff, who are paid to enrol people on the towpath as Friends, now don’t bother to approach boaters? The constant PR push over the […]

All change at CRT

All change at CRT with new Regional Directors   CRT’s new regional structure was put in place on 4th June and the following Regional Directors have been appointed: London & South East – Ros Daniels. She has extensive experience of the heritage and tourism sector, most recently as Head of Historic Properties, London at English […]

In the Chair July 2018

Can you hear us? Stella Ridgway is looking forward to meaningful discussions with CRT, rather than just being fed information. CRT was in its infancy when we moved onto our boat. You may remember Richard Parry held road-shows and regular meetings with boating organisations, and seemed to genuinely want to listen to boater’s views. Admittedly, […]

NABO News Editorial July 2018

  The three Rs – Rebranding, reorganisation and reactions Editor, Peter Fellows, takes the collective pulse of boaters after the latest changes by CRT. CRT rebranding continues to provoke reactions, with many questioning why signs that are only read by boaters were changed within days of the relaunch ‒ most boaters know what CRT is. […]

All-Party Parliamentary Waterways Group meeting in March 2018

All-Party Parliamentary Waterways Group In March, the group called a meeting between waterway organisations and Thérèse Coffey MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Environment with responsibility for the waterways, and Richard Parry. However, it gave NABO only four days’ notice, so the Council was unable to find a member who could attend. Instead NABO […]

Report on NINF meeting

Report on NINF meeting   The National Inland Navigation Forum (NINF) met at the St. Pancras Cruising Club in February. This forum continues to be a useful meeting point, bringing together navigational bodies including CRT, EA and other waterways – especially important at this time, given the on-going saga about the relationship between EA and CRT. Eight […]

In the Chair April 2018

In the Chair Beasts and Breaches Well winter seems like it is really cross, it keeps storming out and then storming back in shouting “and another thing”. We have six inches of snow again, although we are not iced in this time. Last week was fun going for water, with frozen snow on top of […]