Busy like bees

Busy like bees Chair, Stella Ridgway, attended the last CRT Council meeting February was glorious: unseasonably warm and sunny, and both the birds and trees were slightly confused; an early spring followed by (in Manchester) a month’s rain in two days. There were flood warnings for a lot of rivers and hearing the flood alarms […]

Evidence please

Evidence please Editor Peter Fellows starts surveys of lost facilities and shallow visitor moorings. The warming weather means that many of the estimated 50% of boaters who are leisure cruisers start to gear up for their first outing of the year and the other 50% who live aboard come out of hibernation to enjoy the […]

Clean Air Strategy

Clean Air Strategy David Fletcher looks at the options for boat stoves in the light of new regulations. DEFRA has just updated its report on the Clean Air Strategy. This is all about the impact of pollution from solid-fuel stoves. DEFRA is telling us how it intends to tackle these (and other) sources of air […]

Short-term moorings – is it time for a review?

Short-term moorings – is it time for a review? Mark Tizard calls for a review of the visitor mooring framework policy. CRT put a lot of time and effort into creating a short-term visitor mooring framework policy, which is available on their website. This laid down an evidence-based process behind any proposed changes to visitor […]

Capturing knowledge

Capturing knowledge Chair, Stella Ridgway, is concerned that CRT’s redundancies will result in experience being lost. Happy New Year, although tinged with sadness as we report the death of our Vice Chair, Paul Howland. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him; his knowledge was always welcome and his advice given freely and […]

In the Chair December 2018

A Challenging Year. Stella Ridgway reviews the last twelve months. My thanks go to this year’s Council members for their support and especially to Mark, Mike and Paul for attending meetings and covering for me. This year has been challenging for boaters in the North, with the North West being virtually cut off from the […]

Editorial December 2018

Spreading the word Editor, Peter Fellows, explains NABO’s focus on promotion and recruitment Part of NABO’s raison d’être is to influence navigation authorities and other organisations for the benefit of boaters. Last month, we clocked up our latest influencing success when the changes we sought to the Middle Level Bill were written into the Act, […]

Not a good summer for boating

Not a good summer for boating Despite the excellent boating weather, for much of the summer, CRT had emergency navigation closures in force. This was the situation in July, when there were seventeen: Locks 1 – 12, Macclesfield Canal  Lock 7, Actons Lock, Regents Canal  Lock 2, Belan Lock, Montgomery Canal  Teeces Bridge, Wyrley & […]

In the Chair September 2018

Getting to know you Stella Ridgway looks back over five years of engagement with CRT. As the CRT Annual General Meeting is coming up, I thought I would reflect on the last year and, indeed, the five years since I started attending these AGMs. The Trust started out with Richard Parry going to boaters’ forums, […]

NABO News Editorial September 2018

Consultations, breaches and closures but Editor, Peter Fellows, also notes some wonderful weather and meaningful meetings There’s been a lot happening on the waterways since the last NABO News in July. The summer’s weather has allowed marvellous cruising, but the high temperatures and prolonged drought have also caused problems for CRT’s water management. An article […]