Keep your chinook up

Chair, Stella Ridgway, has had an eventful time in the High Peak. Since my last missive, it all started with rain; lots and lots of rain. On July 29th, we noticed a video on Facebook of Toddbrook reservoir overtopping – hardly surprising considering the amount of rain we’d experienced. The canal was so full that […]

Don’t be shy! – NABO needs YOU

Editor, Peter Fellows, describes some current threats to boating and why you can help NABO. CRT’s Annual Report, published in July, makes for mixed reading: income and expenditure on the waterways were up in all areas over the year, but boater satisfaction declined significantly. CRT attributes this to ‘disruption due to summer water shortages, changes […]

NABO response to Consultation for Diesel Fuel Used in Private Leisure Craft

The National Association of Boat Owners (NABO) is a voluntary membership organisation, principally consisting of private boat owners based on the inland waterways of England and Wales. NABO exists to represent the interests of its members with navigation authorities and government organisations and to promote responsible ownership and use of inland boats. I am writing […]

Survey of boat owners’ views

Latest survey of boat owners’ views The survey, carried out in March and April this year, was sent to a third of CRT’s boat licence holders and received 1,163 responses. The headline results show a decline in boaters’ satisfaction:   (%) 2019 (%) 2018 Boaters satisfied with their experience of cruising the waterways 61 70 […]

The motorway in your head

The motorway in your head Stella Ridgway urges boaters to slow down and enjoy the view The Marple Flight reopened at the end of May, so we have been treated to a great deal more traffic as boaters cross Bugsworth Basin off their tick-list of places to go. We have noticed the speed and lack […]

More rubbish

More rubbish Editor Peter Fellows considers the plastics problem. I think most people would welcome CRT’s ‘Plastics Challenge’, launched in June. Visitors to the waterways are being asked to pick up one piece of litter to prevent the half-million plus pieces of plastic entering the sea from UK canals each year.

CRT’s North West forum

North West David Fletcher at CRT’s North West forum   I attended the forum in May at Anderton, being the second of two meetings for the region. The NW is a big area, from Kendal in the North, Audlem in the South, western halves of the Pennine routes and bits of the Llangollen in the […]

New boater surveys

New boater surveys   CRT’s annual Boaters’ Survey has been shortened and renamed the ‘Perceptions of the Trust’ survey, which was sent out to a third of the Trust’s leisure boat licence holders at the start of April. It has also introduced a monthly ‘Waterway Experience’ survey of boaters to gather up-to-date feedback on the […]

Community involvement

Community involvement Chair, Stella Ridgway, meets the North West Regional Director. I am going to offer apologies in advance – I have not been well – the downside of chronic kidney disease and renal failure is the body’s inability to shake off infections, and I have had one since late February. I managed to go […]