Editorial NABO News 5 November 2016

Winter’s on its way Editor Peter Fellows hangs up his tiller pin for the year. After the boat spent the summer on the River Great Ouse, my last cruise this year was back up the River Nene to Northampton, which coincided with the Indian summer at the beginning of October – wonderful to be in […]

Editorial NABO News 4 July 2015

Editorial   Trust the Trust? Editor Peter Fellows worries about CRT governance   It may seem odd to focus on elections to NABO Council and CRT Council in this issue as neither will be taking place for another four to five months. But NABO Councillors are taking a well-earned break until September and that wouldn’t […]

June Editorial

Editorial Our annual April Fool’s article usually catches out a couple of members, but not this year as I didn’t receive any comments. Instead, there was a sense of humour failure at CRT, which posted (for a while) a note in ‘Boaters’ Update’ saying that they’d like the article removed from the NABO website article […]

Editorial November 14

Editorial   It’s nice to end the year on several positive notes: I’m pleased that £2 million has been earmarked to restore the historic Mile Wharf on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal in Burnley. We cruised past it in the summer and commented then on the disgraceful state it’s in. Although there are some big […]

NABO News Editorial June 2014

Peter Fellows has some thoughts on moorings, selfishness and regulations The London Assembly report on moorings in London, included in the news section, shows a substantial increase the numbers of residential boaters with an extra 1,000 boats now mooring on London’s canals. This is attributed to rapidly rising housing costs in the city. In other […]

NABO News Editorial April 2014

NABO News Editorial April 2014 It seems that one unexpected consequence of the winter flooding is the revisiting of plans to merge EA navigations into CRT. Although CRT successfully manages the navigation and flood control on the Trent, NABO believes that without substantial Government support running into tens of millions, CRT is not yet sufficiently […]

NABO News Editorial December 2013

A breath of fresh air Those members who were unable to attend the AGM in November missed a real treat. Not only an interesting and enjoyable presenta­tion from Adam Comerford, CRT’s Group Hydrology Manager, but also an opportunity to feed our opinions into proposals for new water man­agement strategy. Richard Parry, CRT’s new Chief Executive, […]

NABO News Editorial October 13

Sleepwalking into Trouble?   There was a (very short) CRT consultation in July on changing the licensing system for charity and community boats, which would result in them being charged for a standard leisure boat licence rather than a commercial licence, less a 60% discount. Fair enough, you might say: simplify the licensing system as […]