NABO News Editorial September 2018

Consultations, breaches and closures but Editor, Peter Fellows, also notes some wonderful weather and meaningful meetings There’s been a lot happening on the waterways since the last NABO News in July. The summer’s weather has allowed marvellous cruising, but the high temperatures and prolonged drought have also caused problems for CRT’s water management. An article […]

NABO News Editorial July 2018

  The three Rs – Rebranding, reorganisation and reactions Editor, Peter Fellows, takes the collective pulse of boaters after the latest changes by CRT. CRT rebranding continues to provoke reactions, with many questioning why signs that are only read by boaters were changed within days of the relaunch ‒ most boaters know what CRT is. […]

NABO News Editorial April 2018

Editorial From the Middle Level to the high seas Editor, Peter Fellows has a diverse edition for Spring. I was pleased to see that CRT has suspended the sale of the freehold to Blowers Green Pumphouse (see January’s NABO News), but wish that the relevant advisory groups could review such proposals before they go ahead. […]

NABO News Editorial Winter 17

Is anyone listening? Editor Peter Fellows has a little rant As 2017 draws to a close, it is clear that CRT is focussed on its grant renewal, which will require it to demonstrate to Government that it has widespread popular support. This means promoting the waterways to millions of walkers, cyclists, canoeists and gongoozlers as […]

Editorial July 2017

Coping with canoes Editor, Peter Fellows welcomes clarification by CRT   Canoeists feature more prominently in this issue than previously, with news of new canoe slipways on the Llangollen, the opening of Foulridge Tunnel on the L&L to canoeists, and problems with some canoeists wanting to share locks with boats. While NABO welcomes the increased […]

NABO News April 2017 Editorial

Editorial   From dark arts, via 100 feet-wide locks, to volunteer lock-keepers Editor Peter Fellows introduces a packed issue We emerged from hibernation in March and a group took our shared narrowboat out for the first time this year, to introduce a new shareholding family to the joys of the cut. Although it was a […]

Editorial February 2017

Consultation and funding – a lack of both for some Editor Peter Fellows compares navigation authorities Following the complaints throughout last year over lack of vegetation management on the South Oxford Canal, it is good to see that CRT is spending the winter putting the situation right. And it is also good that CRT is […]

Editorial December 2016

Editorial Another successful AGM at Wolverhampton Boat Club (many thanks for the excellent food and hospitality), with Stella taking over the reins from Mike and farewells to longstanding Council members Geoffrey Rogerson and Stephen Peters and London rep, Simon Robbins. It was good to meet Ken Hylins, who has a special interest in assisting boaters […]