Chair’s column Sept 22

A critical time for the canals Mike Rodd is concerned about the very existence of some of our waterways. This is THE most critical time – not only for the future of the present canal operators, the Canal and River Trust – but indeed for the whole future of our amazing waterways. I was shaken […]

Messing about on the … Mon & Brec

Mike Rodd contemplates future CRT funding, BSS examinations and ‘composite’ lock-gates during an extended cruise. How good it was to have another real meeting at Alvechurch, even if a few folk couldn’t make it – damn nuisance this boating! Good to see the pub flourishing and many boats moving. But strangely on the K&A we are […]

Crunch-time soon?

Crunch-time soon? Mike Rodd peers into a very uncertain future for the waterways. The coming months are going to be absolutely critical for all of us who boat on our inland waterways, as it is clear that reports into the futures of both CRT and the EA – as I have mentioned in my previous […]

A month of meetings

Mike Rodd reports on the work of an active NABO Council. At last – back on our boat for a week – it was wonderful; and good to see the hire fleets starting to operate again. Of course, being based in Wales, we were always slightly out of line with England, but at last the […]