Democracy for liveaboard boaters?

Editor John Sadler writes: Traditionally it’s the time of year for reviewing the past and anticipating the future. While the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution were the headlines of the 1790s our canals were built by private enterprise. They served their purpose well and Britain became industrialised. Ultimately a period of great change, driven […]

A winter of not-somuch discontent

NN Editor John Sadler speaks The ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ has rapidly given way to winter, hopefully not of discontent. Meetings have recently taken place at which the Canal and River Trust seem to have taken note of boater’s opinions and produced an action plan based on improving navigation. This is very promising […]

Summer is a goin’ out

Chair Anne Husar writes And there went summer. Although it might have felt unremittingly cool and wet, according to the Met Office, neither temperature nor rainfall were anything other than average compared to previous years. There are numerous reports from boaters that the canals were quieter this summer than usual, with many noticing hire bases […]

Autumnal musings

Editor John Sadler writes: The ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ has descended rapidly this year, just in time to welcome us to our home mooring. As ever, there’s a bit of damage to repair before the winter sets in and some maintenance scheduled for the cooler months. We set out in June, in winter […]

Voices for change

  Expressions of dissatisfaction have featured heavily this month. The change of government brought about by the General Election may be the most momentous statement of this. A new government means new MPs to write to. Every boater with an MP whose constituency includes any of the UK’s inland waterways needs to make their concerns […]

In the Chair

It’s May and the UK’s weather has taken a turn for the better. The day boats from the local boatyard have crew that are slightly less well wrapped up as they motor past. Hire boat businesses seem to be doing a better trade too, with boats from at least ten different bases regularly passing us […]

Time for change?

Editor John Sadler comments As I was thinking about writing this editorial the news broke of a general election in six weeks time. I suppose you can pretty much ignore what legislation may have been on the books until the result is declared. Parliament will be dissolved and much will be promised before our votes […]

A Month of Meetings.

Chair Anne Husar reflects on the month Such is the lot of a chairperson as the calendar fills with some face to face but mainly online meetings these days. Convenient if chancy with the capricious wifi at our mooring, they remain a great way to maintain NABO’s reputation for keeping current boater issues on the […]