BW announce rises for Long Term Moorers


BW has announced the price adjustments for its long-term moorings for customers with 12 month mooring permits.

 A general inflationary increase of 3.1% is being applied to the majority of BW long-term mooring permits from 1 April 2011.


At some sites the price will rise above inflation because the current prices are below the comparable market rate for moorings in the same area. Customers at these sites will receive a letter notifying them of the increase and explaining the reason for it within the next week.


The full site by site price list, reflecting the increase in VAT to 20%, will be published on before the end of February.


The price increase does not affect customers with three year fixed price agreements arranged through BW’s moorings auction system. 


Needless to say NABO Council are discussing a response as we speak!!!