NABO News Editorial December 2013

A breath of fresh air Those members who were unable to attend the AGM in November missed a real treat. Not only an interesting and enjoyable presenta­tion from Adam Comerford, CRT’s Group Hydrology Manager, but also an opportunity to feed our opinions into proposals for new water man­agement strategy. Richard Parry, CRT’s new Chief Executive, […]

Trouble on t’Thames

Louis Jankel reports on lost opportunities at the EA In September I attended the Thames Navigation Users’ Forum (TNUF), representing the interests of NABO members. In that capacity I have been attending these quarterly meetings and those of its predecessor, the Waterways Working Group, for almost 10 years. The members of TNUF represent all aspects […]

Chairman’s report

Chairman’s Column I am starting to realise that the apparently kind and flattering invitation a year ago to talk at the NABO AGM about our experiences in setting up the first trial K&A/CRT Waterways Partnership was really a recruitment exercise! NABO has just taken over my life! My starting point is my belief that CRT […]

NABO responds to the consultation for K&A mooring plan

NABO has responded to the “consultation” on a proposed “Towpath Mooring Plan” for The Kennet & Avon Canal west of Devizes to Bath (not including the River Avon after Bath). Although stated as a “consultation” this questionnaire appears to be simply a list of intentions. Also, the associated letter states CRT’s intention to implement the […]

NABO appoints a new Chairman

New Chairman for NABO After a transformational five-year period at the helm of NABO – the National Association of Boat Owners – David Fletcher has stepped down as Chairman, and Mike Rodd has been elected to take over from him. Originally from Zimbabwe, Mike moved with his family to the UK in 1986 when he […]