NABO’s View on Merger of EA navigations and CRT

Merger of EA navigations and CRT – No Thanks! NABO’s Thames Rep. and volunteer lock-keeper,Louis Jankel, outlines the areas of concernover any merger of EA navigations and CRT In the boating press a number of ill-informed individuals have been claiming that the founding fathers of the IWA, namely Messrs. Aickman and Rolt, had declared that […]

CRT Consults on Braunston congestion

One Direction in Braunston? No, not the five-piece boy band that won the X-Factor, but CRT’s announcement to consult on a proposal to ease congestion at one of the waterways most popular locations. The capacity of the canal would be doubled in the summer months by making traffic travel in the same direction between Napton […]

K&A Local Mooring Plan

Local mooring plan for the K&A Mike Roddgives an update from NABO’s perspective Following further discussions with interested parties, including NABO, CRT has launched its response to the recent consultation on the towpath mooring plan for the K&A Canal west of Devizes1. This plan was produced by a sub-group of the Waterways Partnership, building upon […]

NABO News Editorial April 2014

NABO News Editorial April 2014 It seems that one unexpected consequence of the winter flooding is the revisiting of plans to merge EA navigations into CRT. Although CRT successfully manages the navigation and flood control on the Trent, NABO believes that without substantial Government support running into tens of millions, CRT is not yet sufficiently […]

CRT introduces local mooring plans for K&A after scrapping pilot scheme for Roving Mooring Permits

Following further discussions with interested parties including NABO, the Canal and River Trust has today launched its response to the recent consultation on the towpath mooring plan for the K&A Canal west of Devizes. This plan was produced by a sub-group of the Waterways Partnership, building upon work undertaken by an earlier and, unfortunately, abandoned […]

CRT backs off from Roving Mooring Permits

"The Canal & River Trust has reluctantly concluded that roving mooring permits, which it was proposing to introduce in two local areas from April 2014, cannot be used to deal with localised issues of mooring congestion on the waterways.  This follows further consideration of legal issues which raised doubts about the practical implications of implementing […]