Meeting between the National Boating Associations and CRT.

Posted below are the notes of a meeting held at Milton Keynes on 3 November between the National Boating Associations and CRT. It has taken a month to get these minutes out because there are some fundamental differences between the views of some of the associations. NABO agreed that these should be published on the […]

K&A Mooring Trial

K&A Mooring Trial Geoffrey Rogerson provides an update   Earlier this year the K&A Canal Partnership, after various consultations and deliberations, came up with the K&A voluntary Mooring Trial. The object was to encourage the movement of boats and the gist of it was to divide the canal between Bath and Devizes into neighbourhoods. The […]

Towpath Winter Moorings

Towpath Winter Mooring Permits – a debate Mark Tizard summarises the arguments for and against.   NABO has been contacted by several members regarding the growth of towpath winter moorings and, following a discussion at the recent AGM, we thought we would open up the debate further to our members. NABO has supported winter moorings […]

Editorial November 14

Editorial   It’s nice to end the year on several positive notes: I’m pleased that £2 million has been earmarked to restore the historic Mile Wharf on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal in Burnley. We cruised past it in the summer and commented then on the disgraceful state it’s in. Although there are some big […]

Chairman’s report to AGM

Chairman’s Report to AGM   Having admired the work of NABO ever since we bought our first boat some 16 years ago, I was delighted to be invited to join the Council. I didn’t quite tumble to what David had in mind, though, when I soon discovered that he was planning to stand down after […]