The NABO AGM will be held at on Sunday 11th November at the Tamworth CC Club, Kettlebrook Wharf, Kettlebrook Rd Tamworth B77 1AG (by boat it is on the Coventry Canal, just up from Fazeley Junction).   We will start at 11 am with the AGM formal business, followed by a presentation and discussion. After […]

National Inland Navigation Forum (NINF)

NABO is an active member of this informal forum which brings together organisations with navigational interests, with meetings often having invited representatives of waterways authorities. NINF members include AWCC, BM, CBOA, GOBA, RBOA, IWA, TBA and DBA. Meetings ensure regular dialogue between these organisations and especially those concerned with waterways covered by CRT and the […]

Report of NINF’s October 2018 meeting

The National Inland Navigation Forum, NINF, met at the St Pancras Cruising Club on Saturday 24th October 2018. 6 of its member bodies (AWCC, NABO, RBOA, DBA, IWA & CBOA) were represented, together with the General Secretary, Michael Stimpson. This Forum is a useful meeting point bringing together navigational bodies involved in CRT, EA and other waterways. […]

Not a good summer for boating

Not a good summer for boating Despite the excellent boating weather, for much of the summer, CRT had emergency navigation closures in force. This was the situation in July, when there were seventeen: Locks 1 – 12, Macclesfield Canal  Lock 7, Actons Lock, Regents Canal  Lock 2, Belan Lock, Montgomery Canal  Teeces Bridge, Wyrley & […]

In the Chair September 2018

Getting to know you Stella Ridgway looks back over five years of engagement with CRT. As the CRT Annual General Meeting is coming up, I thought I would reflect on the last year and, indeed, the five years since I started attending these AGMs. The Trust started out with Richard Parry going to boaters’ forums, […]

NABO News Editorial September 2018

Consultations, breaches and closures but Editor, Peter Fellows, also notes some wonderful weather and meaningful meetings There’s been a lot happening on the waterways since the last NABO News in July. The summer’s weather has allowed marvellous cruising, but the high temperatures and prolonged drought have also caused problems for CRT’s water management. An article […]

Consultation on proposed BSS requirements for carbon monoxide alarms on boats

A public consultation on a proposal to introduce mandatory new Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) Requirements for carbon monoxide (CO) alarms on boats opens today Friday 17 August and will run to Friday 9 November 2018. The suggested change sees a fundamental shift recognising that CO poisoning, a silent unseen killer, could affect boat owners and crews […]