EA Navigation Consultation – boat registration charges proposals from 1 Jan 2022
EA have advised us as follows: We are pleased to announce that our Navigation charges consultation is now live. The consultation will be running for 8 weeks, until 16 September 2021. You will find the Navigation charges consultation page, together with all the relevant information on Citizen Space – https://consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/environment-and-business/nav-boat-reg-charge. We do encourage you and your […]
NABO Responds to EA Navigation Charges Consultation
NABO has responded strongly to the proposal to increase Registrations Charges. “Whilst we accepted that the above-inflation increases introduced over the past year was acceptable (given that there had not been an increase for some years) we strongly believe that only a direct- inflation-based increase can be introduced across all EA waters. The proposal for […]