NABO responds to 2011 Licence fee consultation

After internal discussion within NABO Council and considering comments and suggestions from members, NABO has submitted its response to the 2011 Licence fee consultation document as follows:   National Association of Boat Owners   Consultation response concerning the Proposed changes to the licencing system in 2011.   Boat Licence Changes 2011   The National Association […]

NABO News 2011

Nabo News – Issue 7 of 2011:  4 Editorial  5 Chairman’s column News:  7 For the record  8 NABO’s 20th AGM Chairman’s report 11 CRT Council 12 LILO gathering 13 Thames boom 14 NABO membership 15 Buckingham restoration 15 Olympic torch 16 Waterway partnerships 18 EA navigation charges 19 Crossword 20 Ribble link 20 A […]