Political lobbying

Dear friends

I forward information about the political lobbying that is going on.

I reproduce this text from an IWA bulletin

You might wish to consider e mailing your MP asking him/her to take an interest in waterways issues and specifically to sign the early day motion and attend the debate on Funding. Unfortunately the timing of the debate is not predicable, except to say that it is 30 minutes at the end of day’s business tomorrow.

Thanks for your support



An Early Day Motion (No. 233) has now been tabled in the House of Commons by Bob Laxton MP Chair of the all party Parliamentary Waterways Group, concerning ‘Inland Waterways and Funding’, supporting the actions of the IWA, and recognising the serious threat to funding that the possible sale of British Waterways’ Assets might have on the operation of the canal and rivers network: IWA is also pleased that Linda Waltho MP has secured an End of Day Adjournment Debate on Funding for British Waterways on the 30th November in the House of Commons: