BW have announced more water conservation restrictions for summer 2012, this time on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal.
Boaters can get up to date details of all restrictions and stoppages by subcribing to British Waterways Stoppage Alerts or looking up the latest news on
On March 21st, BW announced the following restrictions (for period 12 March-31 October 2012):
Field lock
Summer Opening Hours.
First passage commences at 08.15 am; Last passage commences at 4 pm.
Bank / School Holidays (See below):
First passage commences 08.15 am; Last passage commences 6 pm.
After the last passage time, Field lock will be locked up until the following morning.
Newlay Top Lock to Kirkstall Lock – including Forge Lock. Kirkstall to Newlay Top Lock – Including Kirkstall lock
Summer Opening Times
First passage commences at 08.15 am; Last passage commences at 3 pm.
The last passage time will ensure you pass through all the locks between Newlay and Kirkstall lock before 4 pm.
Staff will usually be in attendance during working hours in the summer months to provide assistance.
Overnight mooring is available between Office Lock and Kirkstall Lock and also Rodley Visitor Moorings.
After 4 pm all locks between Newlay and Kirkstall lock will be locked up until the following morning.
Non-stop passage is advised on this section.
Bingley Five Rise and Bingley Three Rise
Summer opening times
First passage commences at 08.15 am Last passage commences at 4 pm.
Bank / School Holidays (see below)
First Passage commences at 08.15 am; Last passage commences at 6 pm
After the last passage time, Bingley Five Rise and Bingley Three Rise will be locked up until the following morning.
Bank Holidays and local school Holidays:
Easter Holidays: 2nd April to 15th April
Bank Holiday: 5th May to 7th May
Queens Jubilee: 4th June to 10th June
Summer holidays: 21st July to 2nd September