NABO News latest edition

NABO News cover    

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This edition of NABO News is only available to Members at the moment – one of the many privileges of membership!

Reading it online gives members a preview before the postman arrives, enabling them to keep up to date with what’s happening in the inland boating world: all matters relating to boat owning, especially

  • Navigations
  • Stoppages
  • Licensing
  • Insurance
  • Mooring matters
  • Boat Safety
  • Plans and decisions by CRT and Environment Authority affecting boaters
  • Special offers on boating equipment and services

NABO News is published at roughly six weekly intervals following meetings of NABO Council. Information is often circulated ahead of the rest of the waterways press.

(Note that this a pdf document and you will need Adobe Reader or similar loaded on your computer to read it.)
