CRT say canals are open for boating! Read the detail!

This is CRT’s statement. Following the temporary reopening of canals over the October half term (PR attached), I’m pleased to say that these canals are now open for boating until further notice (excluding any planned winter works). Additionally, the restrictions on the Grand Union and Oxford canals at Watford, Foxton and Braunston are being lifted […]

Public Authorities and the Public

Public Authorities and the Public Paul Monahan tries to analyse what’s wrong with CRT. I have frequent contact with several public bodies, notably the local council, the EA (flood relief, not navigation) and of course CRT. If I believed in reincarnation, I would think that I must have done something dreadful in a past life! […]

Waterways Ombudsman report

Waterways Ombudsman report The Waterways Ombudsman and the Waterways Ombudsman Committee have issued their Annual Reports for 2021/22. This is the third annual report of Sarah Daniel, the current Ombudsman. During the year, she received 63 enquiries, 51 of which were directly about CRT, and one concerned the Avon Navigation Trust. The others were about […]


The NABO AGM will be held at on Saturday 12th November at the Tamworth CC Club, Kettlebrook Wharf, Kettlebrook Rd Tamworth B77 1AG (by boat it is on the Coventry Canal, just up from Fazeley Junction).   We will start at 11 am with the AGM formal business, followed by a presentation and discussion. After […]

NABO meeting with CRT August 2022

Mike Rodd and Anne Husar met with Matthew Symonds and the new National Boating Officer, Eleanor Bridgwood-Hill, on Wednesday 24th August for their regular catch-up meeting.  Key issues at this session were… The boat licence increase – CRT are predicting a £7m shortfall but assured us that the published winter programme would go ahead in […]

CRT launches first ‘BOATER CENSUS’

The Canal & River Trust is launching the first ever Boater Census and is asking every boat licence holder to take part and help paint a picture of who boats on the charity’s waterways. The Boater Census has been designed with input from boater representatives on the Trust’s Council to help understand the different needs […]

Happy 30th, NABO

Happy 30th, NABO Although formed in 1991, last year’s pandemic distracted everyone from NABO’s 30th anniversary. Here’s a belated summary of some of the issues facing NABO 30 years ago. Formation Phil Bland and Jon Darlington formed NABO, joining forces with Syd Beacroft and Dave Green, who had called a meeting to form a boaters’ […]

April National Users’ Forum

National Users’ Forum The April forum had poor attendance, with more CRT staff than other group representatives.  Water resources – due to reservoir issues, the Chesterfield, L&L, Macclesfield and Peak Forest, and Huddersfield Narrow canals will probably all suffer to some degree from restrictions this ‘season’. Review of works – 13 winter stoppages have overrun […]