South Wales and Severn Spring Forum: 25th April 2017

Held in the village hall at Govilon, just below the Mon & Brec canal, this well-attended and (mainly) jovial meeting proved once again to be of value to the many people associated with this lovely canal. The meeting was led by very interesting reports on the extensive winter work programme that had been completed, on […]

NINF AGM and meeting, February 2017

The National Inland Navigation Forum, NINF, met at the St Pancras Cruising Club on Saturday 25th February 2017. 8 of it 11 member bodies were represented, together with the General Secretary, Michael Stimpson. This Forum continues to be a useful meeting point  bringing together navigational bodies involved in CRT, EA and other waterways – especially […]

NABO News 2017

Nabo News – Issue 6 of 2017:   4 Editorial 5 In the Chair 6 Fly on the wall 10 Around the Regions; North East and West Midlands 12 News: Increased registration and licence fees. Cut in CRT’s winter works spend. CRT restructuring. Changes to RCD. Towpath time-trials by cyclists. 15 Thames mooring not in […]

Farewell to two good friends of NABO

Louis Jankel I am sure you will share my sadness to hear that Louis Jankel passed away on 13th December. I have only known Louis for the past three years, but soon came to realise how very passionate he was about our wonderful Thames and related waterways – not only always willing to challenge EA […]

River Thames and connecting waterways: cruising guide

The EA has just published the latest version of this guide for boaters and other users of the River Thames, includes maps plotting boating facilities, distance and headways and navigation information. See: For any questions about this publication, please email

NABO’s new Assistant for the Disabled

NABO’s new Assistant for the Disabled Ken Hylins writes: “I have lived on a narrowboat some five years as a continual cruiser … five minutes as some would say. Then two years ago my partner became very ill and was in hospital for a total of three months, which, when living on a narrowboat, is a […]

EA’s National Navigation Users Forum (NNUF) meeting: 2nd December 2016.

Mike Rodd represented NABO at this biannual meeting which was well attended by most of the boating organisations which cover the EA navigations. As is usual with these EA User Forums, the preparatory work was excellent and the meeting was very well chaired by EA Board member Peter Ainsworth, with a focus of making sure […]

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Boats are built to keep water out, but this also makes them good containers for gases and fumes – especially carbon monoxide. ‘Black-spot’ colour-changing CO indicator cards are not good enough: they do not give an instant warning of dangerous CO levels and have no alarm to wake you up. CO alarms are designed to […]