NABO News 2024

NABO News – Issue 6 of 2024:   NABO News – Issue 5 of 2024:   NABO News – Issue 4 of 2024:   NABO News – Issue 3 of 2024: 4 Editorial 5 In the Chair 6 In the Vice-Chair 7 Fly on the Wall 8 NABO News: Welfare Officer’s Report, Disabled Boaters’ Forum […]


NABO News 2023

NABO News – Issue 6 of 2023: 4 Editorial 5 In the Chair 8 In the New Chair 9 In the Vice-Chair 10 Fly on the Wall 11 Parliamentary exchanges 12 RCR warns of substandard insurance cover 13 Climate change blamed for flood damage 14 Keep the Anderton Boat Lift alive 16 A summary of […]

NABO News 2022

NABO News – Issue 6 of 2022: 4 Editorial 5 In the Chair 8 Fly on the Wall 10 Around the Regions: Anglian waterways. , East Midlands, Wales and the South West. 11 NABO News: NABO’s new Council 12 Meeting of APPGW 13 News: Anderton update 14 Winter work update, CRT exhibition to MPs 15 […]

NABO News 2020

Nabo News – Issue 6 of 2020: 4 Editorial 5 In the Chair : Chairman’s report to the AGM 9 Fly on the wall 11 New NABO Council members 12 News: Boating in lockdown 13 User Groups: Thames User Forum, APPWG: Alternative power sources for boats 14 CRT licence terms and conditions. 16 Boater reputation […]

NABO News 2019

Nabo News – Issue 6 of 2019: 4 Editorial 5 In the Chair: Report to the AGM 7 Fly on the wall 8 Around the Regions 10 Membership issues 11 News: CRT Council elections, CRT Council manifesto 12 NABO responds to Network Rail consultation 13 More on CO 14 CRT open days 15 CRT improves […]

NABO News 2018

Nabo News – Issue 6 of 2018: 4 Editorial 5 In the Chair 6 Fly on the wall 7 New NABO Council. 8 Membership and web issues. 9 Around the regions: North West 10 EA registration charge increase, New Leeds wharf. 11 And at CRT 12 CRT annual public meeting. 14 More reorganisation 15 Middle […]

NABO News 2017

Nabo News – Issue 6 of 2017:   4 Editorial 5 In the Chair 6 Fly on the wall 10 Around the Regions; North East and West Midlands 12 News: Increased registration and licence fees. Cut in CRT’s winter works spend. CRT restructuring. Changes to RCD. Towpath time-trials by cyclists. 15 Thames mooring not in […]

NABO News 2016

Nabo News – Issue 6 of 2016: 4 Editorial 5 In the Chair 6 NABO’s new Assistant for the Disabled, CRT statement on the Equality Act 7 The New NABO Council 8 Fly on the wall 9 News: Welfare Officer update 10 Mike Rodd reports on the CRT takeover of EA navigations 11 WaterNav, FakeTV […]

NABO News 2015

Nabo News – Issue 6 of 2015: 4 Editorial 5 Chairman’s column and NABO AGM report 8 Fly on the Wall and Fly’s AGM 10 What should CRT’s priorities be for 2016? 12 New licence terms and conditions 16 News: Members’ boat insurance, Waterways Ombudsman’s annual report 17 Boating incidents and accidents 18 CRT roundup: […]