On-Board Guide: Electrical Safety for Small Craft

An IET Guide covering the safety of DC and AC electrical systems in small craft navigating on UK inland waterways and surrounding sea areas Small craft have an ever-increasing amount of electrical equipment, systems, and associated power requirements. As a result, significantly more risks and safety concerns need to be considered in the design and […]
BSS Boat Owners’ Survey – Last Chance to Take Part
The BSS Boat Owners’ Survey closes this week – Friday April 9th. If you have already completed the survey, thanks for taking part. If you haven’t yet participated in the survey, this is your last opportunity.It should take about 5-10 minutes to complete. You can do this on any device, but our recommendation is to use a […]
BSS Boat Owners’ Survey – A Reminder to Take Part
The BSS Boat Owners’ Survey launched last week with with over 750 people taking part already. If you’ve already completed it, thanks but because the survey is completely anonymous, there is no way of knowing who has or has not completed the survey. If you haven’t yet had a chance to take part, then we’d really […]
BSS Boat Owners’ Survey – Invitation to Take Part
The Boat Safety Scheme Boat Owners’ Survey has launched today and is now live. This is your chance to give your views and we hope that you will take the time to participate in the survey. It should take about 5-10 minutes to complete. You can complete this on any device, but our recommendation is […]
Boat Owners’ BSS Survey – starts next week
The Boat Safety Scheme Boat Owners’ survey supported by NABO is due to launch next week on Monday March 15th. The BSS is keen to understand more about your opinions on some important issues related to boat ownership, safety and also collect ideas for what could be improved. The survey will be available for around […]
Boat Owners’ BSS Survey in March 2021
The Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) has decided to carry out an online survey of all boat owners. The survey will be live during March 2021. The purpose of the survey is to understand more about boat owners opinions on some important issues related to boat ownership, safety and also collect ideas for what could be […]
BSS Examination COVID-19 suspension lifted
Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) Examinations, suspended in the COVID-19 related lockdown, have now resumed for most boat owners, but they will happen in a ‘new normal’ framework based on the latest Government guidance. Following the UK Government request that those who cannot work from home, should restart work where possible, the BSS has lifted the […]
Expired BSS certificates extended to 31 July
The navigation authorities have agreed to further extend the current waiver on BSS Certifications to 31 July 2020. As BSS Examinations have been suspended since late March, there is now a considerable backlog of boats needing to renew their Certifications. We strongly urge those boat owners who can, to book their Examinations as soon as […]
Proposed BSS Requirements for carbon monoxide alarms approved
Following the public consultation in Autumn 2018 on proposed changes to the Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) the BSS Management Committee has decided that new BSS Requirements for carbon monoxide (CO) alarms on boats will be introduced from next April.
Faulty CO alarms
Following media reports about non-working, imported CO alarms sold on internet shopping sites, the BSS cautioned boaters that choosing the right CO alarm is an especially critical decision, as boats can fill within minutes, sometimes seconds, with lethal levels of the highly toxic gas. The BSS and the Council of Gas Detection and Environment Monitoring […]