Money, Money, Money
Editor John Sadler on funding For anyone who read last month’s editorial it seems I might have put too much trust in the veracity of information published. A letter by Iain Street correcting some of the misconceptions is published in the letters section. It’s no surprise as I’m writing, accompanied by the gentle patter of […]
Seven Trent Water don’t want toilet blue.
Severn Trent Water, which operates many wastewater treatment plants in the Midlands, has started banning tankered elsan waste which contains formaldehyde. Other water companies are likely to follow. Boats with a pump out should have no need to add chemicals to their tank (unless it is a drop through). But the majority of boats, as […]
Chairmans column January 2024
Looking back, looking ahead Chair Anne Husar reflects on a sunny winter’s day As I write this, there’s a beautifully clear blue sky from which the sun is streaming in through the portholes, warming the boat even though outside there’s a smattering of snow on the towpath. The canal contains plenty of water and there’s […]
NABO News editorial January 24
A tale of two countries Editor John Sadler goes north I made a road trip last year to Scotland, spending the first night at The Kelpies, by the canal, and returning after a few days further North to the Falkirk Wheel. Of course I had to experience the canal lift. In the speech that accompanied […]
Calor Confirmation of 3.9kg and 4.5kg Cylinders
Just before Christmas, Calor’s Network Team reaffirmed that Calor is to continue to supply the 3.9kg propane and 4.5kg butane cylinder sizes and is working hard to return supply to normal as soon as possible. The BSS welcomes this latest announcement to continue to supply these smaller cylinders as it could mean that boaters may […]
Boaters Reps Meeting, 23rd October
Helen Hutt reports Well, folks, this was quite something. First on the agenda was, of course, the new licensing proposals. Matthew Symonds, CRT Boating Manger, made it clear from the outset that this is a done deal, acknowledging that there will be adverse reactions, no amount of complaining will change CRT’s mind. They are confident […]
NN Editorial December 2023
First they came for the continuous cruisers Editor John Sadler on the inequity of CRT’s current funding model “Every movement that seeks to enslave a community needs a minority group to use as a scapegoat, which it can blame for its distress and use as a justification of its own dictatorial powers. ” Although in […]
In the Chair December 2023
Ask not what NABO can do for you… New Chair Anne Husar brings her years of experience to the job …and chocolate Following Mike as chair of NABO is going to be difficult to do. His calm manner and measured approach is one I will attempt to emulate. Thank you Mike for your invaluable work […]
Chair’s Report to AGM November 2023
After too many years as your Chair, and with an excellent Council team in place, I felt this was the time not to stand for re-election as your chair, although – if approved – I am happy to continue as a Council member, especially given the situation with EA and my role on the Boat […]
In the Chair September 2023
As we highlighted in the last edition of Nabo News, a major part of our Council’s work is currently dedicated to supporting the vital and ongoing “Fund Britain’s Waterways” campaign. At NABO’s instigation, and with over 70 organisations now on board, this initiative is being led by a small steering group with membership from NABO, […]