Welfare report

Welfare report Ken Hylins summarises his work for NABO over the last year. This year has been a busy one for me: I have been contacted for help on several occasions, be it for advice or to actually get involved to resolve boaters’ issues and concerns. There has been a common theme to all of […]

Meeting with CRT in May

Meeting with CRT A summary of the meeting by Mike Rodd and Anne Husar with Matthew Symonds and Rachel Hayward in May. Facilities review: CRT anticipates that the first part of a consultation will take place later this summer and will cover minimum cruising distances between services (e.g. a five-hour cruising distance, but also take […]

East Midlands rep report: March 21

Peter Braley reports: On Thursday 25th March I attended via zoom the East Midlands Online Boaters Conference, hosted by CRT. This is the first of these online conferences I have attended and on the whole I found it interesting and quite informative. There is supposed to be a summary and minutes of the meeting being […]

Report on NINF meeting

Report on NINF meeting   The National Inland Navigation Forum (NINF) met at the St. Pancras Cruising Club in February. This forum continues to be a useful meeting point, bringing together navigational bodies including CRT, EA and other waterways – especially important at this time, given the on-going saga about the relationship between EA and CRT. Eight […]


The National Inland Navigation Forum (NINF) met at the St. Pancras Cruising Club on 25th February, with eight of its eleven member organisations represented. This forum continues to be a useful meeting point, bringing together navigation bodies involved in the waterways. The General Secretary, Michael Stimpson, reported that the forum’s finances were sound and he […]

North East Local Waterways forum

Howard Anguish reports on the recent North East Local Waterways forum I attended this on the 14th April. The venue was our usual one – the Wheatsheaf Conference Centre near Castleford – and was very well attended with a full house. As far as the meeting was concerned, a forum is usually defined as a […]

NINF AGM and meeting, February 2016

The National Inland Navigation Forum, NINF, met at the St Pancras Cruising Club on Saturday 21st February 2016. 7 of it 11 member bodies were present together with the General Secretary, Michael Stimpson. This Forum continues to be a useful meeting point  bringing together navigational bodies involved in CRT, EA and other waterways.