In the Chair

It’s May and the UK’s weather has taken a turn for the better. The day boats from the local boatyard have crew that are slightly less well wrapped up as they motor past. Hire boat businesses seem to be doing a better trade too, with boats from at least ten different bases regularly passing us […]

A Month of Meetings.

Chair Anne Husar reflects on the month Such is the lot of a chairperson as the calendar fills with some face to face but mainly online meetings these days. Convenient if chancy with the capricious wifi at our mooring, they remain a great way to maintain NABO’s reputation for keeping current boater issues on the […]

In the Chair September 2023

As we highlighted in the last edition of Nabo News, a major part of our Council’s work is currently dedicated to supporting the vital and ongoing “Fund Britain’s Waterways” campaign. At NABO’s instigation, and with over 70 organisations now on board, this initiative is being led by a small steering group with membership from NABO, […]

In the Chair July 2023

What a time to be involved with NABO! Your Council has always been very careful only to take on activities that will have a direct impact on our boaters – who, of course, are the very reason we exist. But when we DO take on a new mission, it needs to be something where – […]

Talk to your MP now!

In the Chair March 2023 By the time you read this, we hope that there might just be some clarity about the future funding of both CRT and the Waterways part of the EA – I say “we hope” as it has all been so delayed, and the opinion being expressed in both organisations is […]

In the Chair Report 2023

I must start by welcoming our new NABO News Editor, John Sadler, who has bravely stepped forward to take over from Peter Fellows, who is leaving the waterways and decamping to live in Ireland! And what a hard act he will be to follow – each year, Peter has somehow managed to develop NABO News […]