Catastrophe or hyperbole?

Chair Anne writes in NABO News. As I type this, the ice that has held the canal here and everywhere else going by your pictures, is finally thawing, damaging storms are hopefully behind us. The fuel boats will have an easier time getting to us and cruising plans for the year become a more optimistic […]
A winter of not-somuch discontent
NN Editor John Sadler speaks The ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ has rapidly given way to winter, hopefully not of discontent. Meetings have recently taken place at which the Canal and River Trust seem to have taken note of boater’s opinions and produced an action plan based on improving navigation. This is very promising […]
Autumnal musings

Editor John Sadler writes: The ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ has descended rapidly this year, just in time to welcome us to our home mooring. As ever, there’s a bit of damage to repair before the winter sets in and some maintenance scheduled for the cooler months. We set out in June, in winter […]
Time for change?
Editor John Sadler comments As I was thinking about writing this editorial the news broke of a general election in six weeks time. I suppose you can pretty much ignore what legislation may have been on the books until the result is declared. Parliament will be dissolved and much will be promised before our votes […]
Money, Money, Money
Editor John Sadler on funding For anyone who read last month’s editorial it seems I might have put too much trust in the veracity of information published. A letter by Iain Street correcting some of the misconceptions is published in the letters section. It’s no surprise as I’m writing, accompanied by the gentle patter of […]
NABO News editorial January 24
A tale of two countries Editor John Sadler goes north I made a road trip last year to Scotland, spending the first night at The Kelpies, by the canal, and returning after a few days further North to the Falkirk Wheel. Of course I had to experience the canal lift. In the speech that accompanied […]
NN Editorial December 2023
First they came for the continuous cruisers Editor John Sadler on the inequity of CRT’s current funding model “Every movement that seeks to enslave a community needs a minority group to use as a scapegoat, which it can blame for its distress and use as a justification of its own dictatorial powers. ” Although in […]