NINF AGM and meeting, February 2016

The National Inland Navigation Forum, NINF, met at the St Pancras Cruising Club on Saturday 21st February 2016. 7 of it 11 member bodies were present together with the General Secretary, Michael Stimpson. This Forum continues to be a useful meeting point  bringing together navigational bodies involved in CRT, EA and other waterways.

CRT takeover of EA navigations back on the agenda??

The Environment Agency (EA) and Canal & River Trust (the Trust) have established a joint working group to explore different options for running the 620 miles of EA-managed river navigations.  It still remains the Government’s ambition to transfer the EA’s responsibility for navigation of the rivers to the Trust, subject to affordability and approval by […]

NABO News 2016

Nabo News – Issue 6 of 2016: 4 Editorial 5 In the Chair 6 NABO’s new Assistant for the Disabled, CRT statement on the Equality Act 7 The New NABO Council 8 Fly on the wall 9 News: Welfare Officer update 10 Mike Rodd reports on the CRT takeover of EA navigations 11 WaterNav, FakeTV […]

Thames Lock Ladders and Fire Extinguishers to stay

Following NABO protests to the (then) Chairman of the EA, Sir Philip Dilley, regarding proposals to remove the portable lock ladders and withdraw the fire extinguishers at all locks on the Thames (see below) NABO is delighted to report that at the meeting of the Thames Navigation Users Forums on the 18th January, 2016, the […]

Proposal to change Thames Moorings withdrawn

NABO has been advised that the proposed replacement of 33 residential and leisure boat moorings with 13 houseboat moorings and associated services/storage/bin stores/parking landscape and environmental improvements, at  Willows Riverside Park in Windsor has been withdrawn. NABO, with help from the DBA, officially opposed this development.