Crime prevention

Crime prevention The Regents Canal and surrounding area is experiencing increased robberies and burglaries and the Bow West Safer Neighbourhood Team, CRT and the Metropolitan Police have issued the following advice to boaters, which is applicable in any urban area: Don’t make your boat attractive to thieves Thieves are always on the lookout for easy […]

All-Party Parliamentary Waterways Group meeting in March 2018

All-Party Parliamentary Waterways Group In March, the group called a meeting between waterway organisations and Thérèse Coffey MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Environment with responsibility for the waterways, and Richard Parry. However, it gave NABO only four days’ notice, so the Council was unable to find a member who could attend. Instead NABO […]

Popular locks

Popular locks CRT has released its annual boat movement report for 2017, which shows that the South East, North Wales & Borders and the West Midlands waterways remain the most popular cruising areas. The total recorded lockage in 2017 was 2.6% lower than in 2016, with the busiest site at the paired locks at Hillmorton […]

Report on NINF meeting

Report on NINF meeting   The National Inland Navigation Forum (NINF) met at the St. Pancras Cruising Club in February. This forum continues to be a useful meeting point, bringing together navigational bodies including CRT, EA and other waterways – especially important at this time, given the on-going saga about the relationship between EA and CRT. Eight […]

In the Chair April 2018

In the Chair Beasts and Breaches Well winter seems like it is really cross, it keeps storming out and then storming back in shouting “and another thing”. We have six inches of snow again, although we are not iced in this time. Last week was fun going for water, with frozen snow on top of […]

NABO News Editorial April 2018

Editorial From the Middle Level to the high seas Editor, Peter Fellows has a diverse edition for Spring. I was pleased to see that CRT has suspended the sale of the freehold to Blowers Green Pumphouse (see January’s NABO News), but wish that the relevant advisory groups could review such proposals before they go ahead. […]

Powerful Message about CO Risks

Put bluntly, if you can smell petrol-engine exhaust fumes in the boat, kill the engine(s) and get out fast before you inhale any further toxic fumes! A major carbon monoxide (CO) risk comes from either big inboard petrol-engines producing lethal volumes of the highly poisonous gas in seconds, or from outboards and other portable engines […]