Open Letter to Richard Parry

Dear Richard. Following NABO’s recent Council meeting, I have been asked to write to you to raise the following concerns: we appreciate the efforts that CRT is now making to limit the use of the towpath for exercise, specifically in areas where there are moored boats, but we feel more needs to be done. We […]

Mindful of the needs of others

Mike Rodd considers some effects of the pandemic. Like many of our members in self-isolation at home and unable to travel to our boats, it has really come home to us how much the canals and rivers are an essential part of our lives. It also reminds us how precious these waterways are, and how […]

Mostly, but not all about Coronavirus

Editor, Peter Fellows, has news of other developments, even though little is happening on the waterways. The ramifications of the Coronavirus lockdown have dominated the waterway news for nearly eight weeks at the time of writing and these are widely reflected in this issue. CRT’s decision not to close towpaths to visitors initially caused an […]

Expired BSS certificates extended to 31 July

The navigation authorities have agreed to further extend the current waiver on BSS Certifications to 31 July 2020. As BSS Examinations have been suspended since late March, there is now a considerable backlog of boats needing to renew their Certifications. We strongly urge those boat owners who can, to book their Examinations as soon as […]

CRT launches appeal to support small charities across it’s network

The Canal & River Trust has today, 5 May 2020, launched a fundraising appeal to help support the dozens of small waterway-based charities across its network which have been adversely impacted by the impacts of coronavirus. Launched on Giving Tuesday, the global day of giving and unity, the Waterway Charities Appeal will provide support for […]

CRT annual boat count

The Canal & River Trust’s annual national boat count shows that licence compliance on its waterways remains high with 96.2% of boaters holding a valid licence (2019: 96.4%).  This is the fourth highest compliance figure in the last 10 years and is the eleventh successive year with evasion below 5%. The national boat count sees […]