2020 Bulletin archive

January Bulletin Past events CRT Council Elections – your vote counts! Voting for public representatives to serve on CRT Council closes on 14th February. There are 34 candidates vying for the four Boaters’ Rep posts. If you haven’t voted yet, there is still time, so please put your x against Helen Hutt, NABO’s Treasurer, candidate […]


Membership transfer update 25 January

This is now complete with all the membership in place in the new system. Individual emails are have gone to all members. If you have not received two emails, please get in touch. All the ‘date joined’ NABO are now updated. Transferred members are successfully signing in and amending their records and passwords. Members are […]


Web site transfer

We have now transfered the new web site platfom to our normal web domain and that is what you are seeing now. We now have a few days of consolidation to check that things are working and populate many of the resource areas. Existing members cannot sign in as their credentials are not valid. Please […]

In the Chair September 2023

As we highlighted in the last edition of Nabo News, a major part of our Council’s work is currently dedicated to supporting the vital and ongoing “Fund Britain’s Waterways” campaign. At NABO’s instigation, and with over 70 organisations now on board, this initiative is being led by a small steering group with membership from NABO, […]

NN Editorial October 2023

Editorial I have now finished my summer cruise and am pleased to say back at my home mooring. It’s hard not to sink into a depression, Autumn on its way, lack of funds, increasing structural failures, lack of dredging, looming canal closures…… I started to think about the reasons behind the current canal network demise. […]

NABO writes to CRT on licence costs

In October CRT annouced their intention to increase licence costs by an unprecidented 5% above inflation. They have also decided to apply increasing levels of surcharge to wide beam boats and continuous cruisers. NABO Has witten to Richard Parry to make our views knows, and we have a reply. The text is proved below. We […]

Campaign cruise to the Palace of Westminster

Update on Fund Britain’s Waterways (FBW) including the public petition and the Westminster Campaign Cruise Tuesday 14th November FBW continues to bring all those interested in our inland waterways together and is attracting wide public support for its campaign to safeguard the future of Britain’s unique network of inland waterways.  This email is to remind […]