New Boater Liaison Group on the Mon & Brec

The first meeting of this group was held on the 12th July 2017 at Llangattock. This innovative development was the brainchild of the CRT Waterways Manager Nick Worthington and greatly welcomed by all boaters on the canal.

At previous Users Forums attendees were invited to join and in the end there were representatives of private boaters, boating clubs, mooring groups, marina operators and hire boat companies, together with key CRT personnel.

It was agreed that the terms of reference of this group should be kept as flexible as possible

* To act as a sounding board for any significant boating related matters, or proposals, for the Canal & River Trust navigational section of the Mon & Brec canal.

* To be an effective communication ‘one-stop-shop’ for any key changes or significant impacts on the Mon & Brec canal navigation.

* To review any national campaigns or proposals in the M&B context

* To bring together local knowledge and expertise in one forum to help promote and develop solutions for the M&B canal navigation.

* To bring together representatives from all interested boating groups – commercial, private, and marinas – to support the work of the Canal & River Trust and develop better relations for all.

At this very constructive and open meeting the key priorities, as seen by the boating community, were discussed and agreed. Delegates agreed to take these away and to work together to address them, aiming to bring data and possible recommendations back to regular 3 monthly meetings.

The key priorities agreed included:

  • Published navigation dimensions
  • Offside vegetation
  • Winding holes
  • Navigation at northern end
  • Panned navigation works and impacts
  • Visitor moorings
  • Dredging & channel clearance

Mike Rodd