Outcome of South East Visitor Mooring Consultation

The report on the recent south east visitor mooring consultation is now published on the CRT website along with the revised final proposals. The report can be read here https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/media/original/27159-south-east-visitor-mooring-consultation-report-march-2016.pdf

In summary the final proposals are as follows


Following further analysis of boat sighting information (see Appendix 1) and considering the responses to the consultation, the proposed 2 day and 7 short-stay day will not be introduced. The consultation response does show some support for a number of smaller changes which will be introduced on a trial basis and monitored for a year. These will include,

*  A 4 hour stop and shop mooring of approximately 210ft beside Waitrose. These restrictions will be restricted to the hours of 7am – 9pm. Overnight mooring will be permitted.

* The winding hole close to Berkhamsted station will be signed as ‘no mooring’.

* To maintain access a short section of towpath adjacent to the dry dock between bridge 141 and lock 54 will be signed at ‘no mooring’.

All other sections of CRT towpath will remain as 14 day and will continue to be monitored to ensure compliance with statutory boat movement requirements.

These changes will be implemented by summer 2016 and reviewed in 12 months.


Following further analysis of boat sighting information (see separate report) and considering the responses to the consultation, the proposed 2 day short-stay day will not be introduced. Mooring Page 4 of 11 chains are to be reinstated beside the CSF; and reinstating signage on the section of canal from the Aylesbury Arm junction to Bridge 131 to highlight angling and no mooring zones.

Batchworth (Rickmansworth)

No changes are proposed at Batchworth


No changes are proposed to the mooring stay times at Braunston. Volunteer mooring rangers will continue to monitor moorings at Braunston to help ensure the moorings are available for as many boaters as possible.

Matthew Symonds

Strategy and Engagement Manager (Boating)

07825 227951