CRT announce an increase of 4% in boat licence April 2025

The Canal & River Trust is today announcing an increase of 4% in boat licence fees from 1 April 2025 for both private boat owners and boating businesses. The rise is based on the latest Bank of England forecasts that inflation will remain at around 2.5% through until April 2025.

Surcharges for boats without a home mooring and wide beam boats, announced last year, will be applied in addition to this rise.

Taken together, the overall average increase in fees is projected to be around the Consumer Price Index (CPI)+3% in line with the Trust’s previously-announced long-term plan.

Boaters can use the online calculator on the Trust’s website to calculate what the licence fee will be for their boats:

The Trust will continue to support boaters struggling to pay their licence fees on a case-by-case basis. This may include arranging flexible payment plans and signposting to relevant services and benefits, for example the Waterways Chaplaincy, local authorities and Citizens Advice. For more information visit: