British Waterways announce potential stoppage programme for Winter 2010/11

British Waterways have announced their first version of their winter stoppages programme – here is an extract from that announcement:

"This is the time of the year when our works planners and engineers prepare their projects for next winter’s engineering and maintenance works. We have just published version 1 of our plans on the Internet and are inviting boaters to review and comment on the proposed timings. In some cases there is flexibility and by gathering views from boaters at this early stage, we aim to achieve a program me that causes minimum disruption to cruising schedules.

To take part in this consultation go to and submit your feedback using the on-line forms provided."

This gives all boaters the chance to have a say – so its worth a look to see how it might affect you. The link is a useful one if you don’t already use it and we are promised it is always kept up to date.