Welfare officer’s report
Ken Hylins reports
I have now renewed my links with the gypsy travellers, my original contact with them had left their service .
I have also forged links with McMillan cancer support, making them aware of the difficulties you can have in accessing long term care without a postcode as a marina based boater. Continuous Cruisers having the additional problem of regularly moving and access to mains electricity. A big winter problem if away from the boat.
This subject is, as some of you know, close to my heart. Communicating with all parties builds up my contacts and extends NABO’s profile; enabling me to help boaters at a very stressful and uncertain time. Assistance can be provided either by referring them to McMillan or dealing with the respective managing authority.
I have also forged similar links with the British Heart Foundation (BHF), initially to service a boater’s need by a boaters needs. I have had personal experience of this situation, as many of you know. The BHF link broadens NABO’s profile allowing support of members during, what can be, a stressful and uncertain time.
I am at present supporting two members with the advanced stages of cancer, managing to secure a long period of overstay so they can obtain treatment from chemotherapy. I also have regular conversations with them, during which I offer support and often share my experience with them .
The other area I have been active is that of Canal and River Trust’s discrimination against
an elderly boater. He had been put on a restricted licence, nobody thought to look into the reasons. This unpleasant situation, you will be glad to know, has been resolved and he will now get reasonable adjustments and the respect he deserves.
Finally I have been contacted by another elderly boater who needs support in dealing with disability issues, which I will investigate.