Privacy Policy

NABO Privacy Policy

The National Association of Boat Owners (NABO) is a common interest association established in the United Kingdom.

The objects of the Association are as follows:
(a) to provide effective representation for owners of vessels on Britain’s inland waterways on any subject or matter which is relevant to the owners of such vessels.
(b) to organise events, demonstrations, rallies or other activities which, in the opinion of the Council, will further the object in clause (a) above, but not to organise or actively engage in any event which would in the opinion of the Council bring the Association into disrepute.

Our address is:

as shown on our web site

Security of your Personal Information

This policy applies to all website and email services provided by NABO. NABO is committed to protecting the security of personal information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

General use of the website and use of cookies

When you visit the NABO website, a cookie is often placed on your computer (if it is set up to accept cookies) or an existing cookie is read if you have visited the site previously. By using this website, you consent to the general terms and conditions of usage and to the terms of this privacy policy. For members who have arranged access rights, this may be used at members’ discretion to remember your login details, to make it easier for you.

Use of members’ personal information.

We obtain and use members’ personal information from original applications to join, amended by members directly or as instructed in members’ correspondence. We hold this for the following purposes:

  • To deliver membership benefits
  • To deliver paper and electronic services, such as newsletters or downloads that you request
  • To help us create and publish content most relevant to you
  • To alert you to amendments, corrections, special offers, updated information and other new services from NABO, if you so request
  • To allow you access to limited-entry areas of our site as appropriate.

Membership data is held in the web-based database and this contains only the data that you see on the initial application form and the renewal form, sent to you every year. We do not hold any bank account numbers, or dates of birth. The data consists of names and addresses, emails, phone numbers, names of boats, mooring locations and the like. Other non-personal data is joining and renewal dates, method of payment and amounts paid, records of contacts with members etc. that enable us to run the Association and deliver communications that are tailored to individual needs. It is not our intention to hold confidential data that would cause embarrassment to the membership. NABO does not hold more information than is needed for the purposes stated.

Access to data.

Council officers and administration staff have access to the data in order to carry out their assigned duties. Non-members cannot access any of the above information. On ‘log in’ members can see and edit or delete their own data, agree with the terms and conditions and these policies, but they cannot see other members’ information.

Names and contact details of Council officers are published on the website and in the magazine, NABO News, in order that they may be contacted for the purpose of carrying out the Association’s work. Council Officer personal email is not made public.

Sharing Your Personal Information
As a matter of principle we do not sell the information we retain about members to any third parties. We do share limited information in the following limited and specific circumstances:

  • We use agents to perform certain operational functions such as magazine and bulletin distribution and use of electronic payment processing for membership subscriptions. We pass on to these partners only the information they need about members or prospective members to perform the service required, and they are not allowed to use this information for any other purpose. Our internet service provider may be authorised from time to time to access the web based structure of the programme for the purpose of maintaining the functionality of the system.
  • We may disclose members’ personal information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on NABO or the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of NABO; or (c) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of NABO employees, officers, members, or members of the public.

Collection of your Personal Information

We will ask members when we need personal information that allows us to contact them. This includes a valid email address. We request this information when membership is registered or renewed but we may also request it before downloading or viewing limited-access content, or arranging email bulletins. In each circumstance, we limit the information we request to the minimum required to deliver the service to you. We may also use various standard technologies such as cookies to track user activity on our site.

Control of your Personal Information

When you register as a member, or otherwise give us personal information, NABO will not share that information with third parties without your permission, other than for the limited exceptions already listed. It will only be used for the purposes stated above. At the time of registering for membership, and at any time thereafter, members have the option to opt out of receiving phone calls or postal mail address from NABO by not providing that contact information. NABO require that members provide a valid email address which will be used as our normal method of communication for membership issues. NABO makes an exception to this for a small number of long standing members for whom we agree to use postal mail. In general, if members provide contact details, NABO will assume that they are there to be used. If you do not opt out, we may send you what we, in good faith, believe to be useful and relevant content about our services. You can view the information that we retain about you by logging in to your account. At any time, you can change your preferences for how or if we contact you, or change the information that we hold. For members who do not have a web access account and password set up, options can be changed by written correspondence and email. Phone calls are not acceptable. It is members’ responsibility to ensure that their personal information that we hold is accurate.

Retention of data

Members’ information is retained on the web database for at least one full tax year after resignation. If a member does not renew membership and fails to respond to correspondence, the data will be held until the situation is resolved. Long-term records in paper and electronic format, including web system backups, are held by Association officers, but these are not on-line. Members may delete on-line data at any time, either themselves or by written request to the Association. They may also request deletion of achieve material, but NABO reserves the right to charge for this service.

Lawful Basis for processing data

We rely upon legitimate interest as the lawful basis to use the data we hold for you. This is an appropriate basis as NABO only uses data in ways that members would reasonably expect and that have a minimal privacy impact. Members are not required to formally agree to this as it is presumed when you join or renew membership. Agreement to NABO’s terms and conditions Is separately agreed when joining and renewing. Members may elect not to receive non membership mails, or phone calls or email bulletins by amending their own profile or requesting admin to amend details.

Members responsibility

NABO recommends that members have at a least two independent methods of contact. It is very problematic and costly for the Association to attempt contact with members who do not advise it of changes to their contact details.

NABO Council

November 2024

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